Want more clients from your local business or contractor website? Add these 5 elements!

How to Optimize Your Website to Get More Sales (1)

Here’s an example from a client’s site of how to optimize your website to get more local customers. First you have to realize we are not talking about your average company website. We are talking about Conversion Focused Websites. The are some of the elements of conversion focused websites.

  1. Service Keywords & Location Keywords in Your Main Title
  2. Start to Build Trust with Trust Badges
  3. Add a page for each services you do
  4. Add a location page for each city, town or area you serve
  5. Add a form that makes it easy for people to request a quote or info


Service & Location Keywords in you Title

This little hack helps your site rank higher in Google searches when people look for your services in your area.

Trust Badges

Displaying certifications and other forms validation helps build trust and reassures potential customers that you’re reliable.

A Page for Each Service

Google ranks pages, not just websites. A separate page for each service boosts your chances of appearing in search results.

A Page for Each Location Your Serve

This makes it easier for local customers to find you when they search for services in their city or town.

Easy Quote Form

The simpler it is for potential customers to request a quote or more info, the more leads you’ll capture and the more sales you will make.

SEO Optimization + Trust = More Calls & Sales!

When your site is easy to find and builds instant credibility, more people will choose YOU over the competition.

Bonus Tip: Trust is one of the main factors to get people to call you for your services. Along with the trust badges, incorporate reviews and other forms of trust building content.

Need help optimizing your website to get more local customers? Contact us!

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